Trustee Journal: The history of Feel Your Breast
Let me take you back to the very beginning of Feel Your Breast.
Back in 2019.
Imagine this.
The brand is 3 years old.
Our community is growing at an unprecedented rate and is so engaged.
Our team is around 25 people strong.
Our social presence is loud.
I spend a lot of my time talking to our community in our DMs. I always use these conversations as my compass for brand decisions, and my gut was screaming louder and louder at me that we had a responsibility to take the power of our social platform to do something bigger, and share a campaign with our audience that could truly change their lives.
And so it was that gut feeling that created Feel Your Breast.

Our early conversations saw us talking about what would matter to our audience. What do young females really care about?
Or, in fact, what do they not care about enough?
Conversations were circling in my own head that as young women, we’re all so aware of self-care and self-love, but also so guilty of not remembering - or even knowing - what true self-care looks like, especially when it comes to our bodies and our breasts.
When building the initial idea of Feel Your Breast, I was 27 years old.
I had never checked my breasts.
Honestly - I didn't really know how or when I should be doing it.
How often? In what way?
What should I even be feeling for?
That in itself was enough evidence that this campaign was needed. I became my own case study, and made it my mission to educate our community on how important this really is.
That passion grew stronger as I began having conversations with women from the cancer community, some the same age or even younger than me. These women had experienced so much, and without even knowing it, they were educating me and inspiring me beyond belief even in those first encounters. They opened my eyes up to a world I knew almost nothing about, and I wanted to do that for our community too. I wanted them to feel what I felt in these intimate moments that I shared with the ladies who we now call our Legends.
I remember standing in an empty meeting room, with an empty whiteboard, scribbling ideas down.
Breast Cancer Awareness.
Check them.
Put yourself first.
Make people feel what I had felt when talking to our Legends.
Have the confidence to know how.
Feel empowered.
And then it hit me.
Feel Your Breast.
And the rest is history.
Each year it grows stronger. Each year we evolve and reshape the campaign, but we always stay true to our core values of empowering our community to feel confident in checking their breasts and knowing what normal is for them and their body.
So, if you got to the bottom of this post - I hope you feel inspired to take a few moments out of your day to check yours.
Still now I feel nervous checking. Maybe because I know how much breast cancer can impact so many young women’s lives. But I use their stories now to empower myself to feel confident in checking. And I hope you do too.